Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Rest In Peace.

B.Flack was found dead yesterday; after an entire day of the police searching for him it was his friends, his best friends, who entered the cornfield. Trev found him. Trev, one of his absolute best friends was the one who found B.Flack in a crushed car in the middle of a cornfield.

It's so hard to believe he's gone- my heart wants to walk into the apartment and have him go in for the handshake but instead wrap his arms around me. He gave the best hugs.

"I'm Brad Flack, bitch." Yes he was. He was Brad Flack. He was a gigantic man, he was a bastard who said everything you wanted and everything you never wanted to hear. He was supportive and unconditional but also a jackass who would punch holes in the walls of your apartment simply because he could. He was a champion at guitar hero and an even better guitar player. He wrote ridiculous songs and he drank way too much. He smiled all the time and he was a perfect gentleman, well, most of the time. He didn't care what people thought- he just cared about them. He was Brad Flack, bitch. And I am so lucky to have known him and so unlucky to have lost him.

Brad, you're a champion, you're a gentleman and you're an awesome friend. R.I.P.

"Goodbye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end. But in my heart's a memory, and there you will always be."

Sunday, October 28, 2007

It was summertime; we had too much time.

What I'm thinking of: Mike & Ike's, drinking too much alcohol, smoking, dancing, guitar hero, jackass two, horrendous stories, lieing to my mother, laughing about rape and other inappropriate things, Mike Jones concerts and overpriced food at VEISHEA, & everything in between.

But I can't think about these things right now because I'm so goddamn upset with how people don't take life seriously or perhaps what's most upsetting to me is those who take it too seriously and invest too much emotion into something that results in them self-pitying. I get it, sometimes you have to feel sad for yourself but to those who do nothing but think of yourself, to those of you that never do anything but complain about your own problems and to those of you who don't acknowledge that human struggle is common and that other people have issues too....to those of you, let go.

Just let go, because I can't have you pulling me down.

hypocritical, self-involved & apologetic,

Let It Be

Death is really scary, really unexpected and really unavoidable.
At 6:41 pm I received the scariest phone call of my life thus far. It was Mcfarland, and she very bluntly told me that b.flack is quite possibly dead.
I don't know what to feel.
I don't know how to deal.
All I know is he's been missing since Friday night and hasn't called anyone nor has he answered the many phone calls from his friends and family. And now his phone is dead.
He's gone. And I feel sick. And I can't wrap my head around this so all I can do is wonder and worry and I feel horrible for thinking so much about how I'm dealing with this because really, the concern here is b.flack.
So I'll let it be. And just hope and wait for him to contact someone, anyone. Just so we know and this desperate need to break down can be lifted off his friends and family.
So Flack, call us please. Please go home. Please.

in disbelief,

Saturday, October 20, 2007

You say you want a revolution?

I just saw Across The Universe, and well...I think I might change the world. [more on that later]

In the meantime, I've two proclamations:
1) my brother is so lucky, & i hate him.
2) a.rae is pretty much awesome.

first, let us discuss why my brother is so lucky & i hate him. (ha, my blog is like a well written oral communication speech- obnoxiously redundant) anyhow. something you should know, my brother plays bass guitar for his good friend's band and said good friend lives in california and HE plays guitar for Billy Ray Cyrus on Hannah Montana. So, my brother has been in california this weekend performing with the band and when i spoke to him this evening i found out that HE was on Hollywood Boulevard (omg. i just love it, love it, love it.) and that HE was going to go with his band to the El Capitan theatre (omg. i just love it, love it, love it.) to see Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D!
El Capitan is the theatre where most films premiere on Hollywood Boulevard...thus, my brother became butt-buddies with an unimaginable amount of celebrities tonight! Perhaps Johnny Depp (POTC premiered there) or for that matter, Kiera Knightly or Bruce Willis! Brad Pitt! Samuel L. Jackson! Reese Witherspoon! ANYONE! ... the jealousy is overwhelming. I must say.
But I can maintain, and will with pride, that after my visit to Warner Bros. Studio and a tour of Central Perk (from FRIENDS) that I've become butt-buddies with many-a-celebrity who have sat on the couch there...including Jennifer Aniston. And that's pretty sweet. :)

Now that we've examined why my brother is lucky and I hate him, let us discuss why a.rae rocks so much.
mostly she just does. and for the sake of time and to avoid divulging too much information, i would like if you could simply accept that she rocks at speech, life, horses, and being a monster pimp. take that to heart, think about it often. there's no greater truth. :)

this weekend has been pretty great, i spent a small fortune on clothing, did laundry, celebrated my best friend's birthday and so on and so forth.
on that note, happy birthday slutty mcfarland, love ya boo.

making memories,