Sunday, October 28, 2007

Let It Be

Death is really scary, really unexpected and really unavoidable.
At 6:41 pm I received the scariest phone call of my life thus far. It was Mcfarland, and she very bluntly told me that b.flack is quite possibly dead.
I don't know what to feel.
I don't know how to deal.
All I know is he's been missing since Friday night and hasn't called anyone nor has he answered the many phone calls from his friends and family. And now his phone is dead.
He's gone. And I feel sick. And I can't wrap my head around this so all I can do is wonder and worry and I feel horrible for thinking so much about how I'm dealing with this because really, the concern here is b.flack.
So I'll let it be. And just hope and wait for him to contact someone, anyone. Just so we know and this desperate need to break down can be lifted off his friends and family.
So Flack, call us please. Please go home. Please.

in disbelief,

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