Sunday, November 11, 2007

are we falling or flying

this weekend has been a series of "ups and downs." let me lay out for you:

the good:
-the speech team doing well as a whole, a.rae & sauer rocking the individual sweeps.
-buel dropping her [creep] timer during an ADS round.
-pizza hut italian bistro because we're so classy.
-late night discussions in the girls room at the hotel.
-target on friday night, walgreens on saturday night.
-finally buying my FACKING MICROKETTLE (of which i'm drinking tea from currently).
-seeing certain persons stand up to she-who-must-not-be-named.
-mcfarland got cast in two plays (sure, one's for da bears but almost counts? : ] )
-i don't have to do my informative ever again which is great (due to my hatred for informative rounds). it's slightly sad because i did have a good speech but the relief of the situation outweighs the "grief" over abandoning the piece.

the bad:
-i sucked it up this weekend, as far as speech goes.
-my Grandma's brother, my Uncle Marlyn passed away this weekend. It's good because he's not in the hospital anymore. It's bad because he's gone and I wish he wasn't.
-two good people in my life have died within the last two weeks and i want so much to wake up and have them both be here. i want Brad to be back in Ames waiting to hang out over thanksgiving break and i want Uncle Marlyn to be healthy in Arizona with his family and still living his awe-inspiring life so that we can all hang out over Christmas break. That's what I want. [Rest In Peace.]


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