Tuesday, December 4, 2007

i'm a manatee!

so i very clearly have a problem...i am a stress-eater. an example: i've a lot of things to get done this evening and thus, i consumed 480 calories worth of nacho cheese bugles and a slim jim in under five minutes. yesterday life sucked balls (see previous blog for details) and i consumed an entire "big box" of mike & ikes and 32 oz. of pop within ten minutes . . . this pattern of not eating very much all day until my body breaks as my mind does is something that will inevitably lead to poor health, nutrition, and gaining lots'o'weight. therefore, i'm going to have to get my act together and quit eating like a fool.
today was significantly better than yesterday. i did have another encounter with ignorant bastards via yoonie general education but it's ok because i also spent roughly three hours with this non-ignorant, non-bastard that i've come to know and love. :) plus, the ice has mostly melted away from the yoonie sidewalks which means i didn't even sort of fall down today. which is good.

also, i've got too many reasons to be ok with life right now:
1. i'm working at an obama rally tomorrow and i'm guaranteed a photo with the senator.
2. i didn't go to a TC today.
3. the Golden Compass comes out this Friday!
4. speech party this sunday @ the DOF's.
5. i'm going back to suburbia in 11 days.
6. & i managed to waste extra time by adding an excessive amount of hyperlinks.

now i'm off to do some psychology, theatrical arts & society, oral comm, and speech work. neat.

looking forward,

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